LifeBridge Vision Statement
LifeBridge exists for people to encounter God, experience community, and serve the greatest mission on earth.

At LifeBridge, we believe in gathering together as a corporate body to worship our King and learn God’s Word. But we are also passionate about the biblical pattern for each believer to engage in being a disciple. We believe that one way to do that is to be a part of a small group.

Day by day they continued meeting together in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house.” When the Spirit came upon the people, transformation happened. The disciples became one in Christ. After this event they continued to meet together in the Jerusalem temple. But they also met together in smaller groups – in homes. – Acts 2:46

What is a Life Group?
A Life Group is defined as a group of believers who connect by doing life together, discover personal discipleship, serve one another, and reach out to our community.

Benefits of Small Groups include:

  • Personal discipleship
  • Spiritual growth
  • Praying for one another
  • Developing friendships.
  • Caring for one another with practical help and personal encouragement.
  • Celebrating joyful occasions
  • Having fun together
  • Serving together
  • Encouraging

We are committed to “doing life together” because we find our greatest support and growth comes when we are connected. The most effective way to get connected at LifeBridge is to join a small group. Pastor Thomas McDaniels

Typically, a small group goes through a Bible study together, but our focus is a little different. We want our groups to do life together, build community, and build meaningful relationships.

The Scriptures indicate that the Christian life is to be lived out in community with other believers. Within that community, we are instructed to encourage one another, serve one another, rejoice and weep with one another, correct, instruct, build up, accept, and love one another.

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Interested in leading or joining a Life Group?

Fill out the form and someone will be in touch with you.

Life Group Interest

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